The Ottoman period is the period when Islamic invitation and conquest movements spread to Khorasan, jihad was made for the sake of i'lây-iwordetullah, and the property, life and chastity of Khorasan people who accepted Islam were guaranteed. The Umayyad period, which came to power after the Hulefâ-yi Râşidîn, appears as a process where the majority of the Khorasan expeditions were made for booty rather than sincere, and different treatments were made to Khorasan lands, which were conquered before and joined the Islamic State. Haccâc b. Yusuf, Ziyâd b. Abih, Kuteybe b. During the periods when Muslim was sent to Khorasan as the governor, it was observed that people were killed and cities were destroyed in violation of Islam. As a reaction to this, it was seen that the people of Khorasan were standing with the Abbasids who rebelled against the Umayyads, and even they were the pioneers of this invitation under the leadership of Abu Muslim Khorasani. The Abbasids, who came to the head of the caliphate with the unconditional and unconditional support of the Khorasans, followed a discriminatory policy against the Khorasans shortly after they dominated the administration; As the first step of this, it was observed that they brutally murdered Abu Muslim Khorasani, one of the leaders of the Abbasi invitation. This naturally caused the revolts of the Khorasan people. Secondly, the expulsion of the Bermekites of Khorasan origin from the Abbasid State, who had a great contribution in Hârûnurreşîd's becoming the caliph, caused the Abbasids to have troubled days and their legitimacy in Khorasan became questionable. After that, the period of governors ended, dynasties such as Tahiris, Saffârid, Sâmânîd, Simjurid
and Ghaznavids emerged.
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